Intuitive Healing | The Spiritually Curious
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Healing Body, Mind, Soul & Spirit

Working together we will create a unique healing protocol to address your needs.  Choose from one or all of the healing modalities, including Reiki, Chakra Alignment, Crystal Healing, Sound Bathing, Meditation and Intuitive Card Reading.

Your healing, Your way.

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A reiki healing session with crystals placed on the Chakras

Crystal Reiki

A Crystal Reiki session is a gentle, non-invasive healing practice that will help bring body, mind, soul and spirit into balance by aligning the Chakras.


In each session, we will select crystals to support your chosen areas for growth and healing.  Reiki energy is then used to enhance the properties of the crystals while bringing Universal Life Force Energy to cleanse and bring balance to the Chakras.


Find balance and a sense of peace and tranquillity through this devoted self-care time that will help bring you close to your higher self and soul purpose.



Intuitive Healing

Intuitive Healing is the practice of using our intuition as a guide to healing for our greatest good.  When we recognise and acknowledge our intuition we are often guided in a different direction to what our "thinking" mind has told us we need to work on.  


Through a supported and guided process we will work together to uncover what you soul is calling you toward.  What it is your higher self is calling you to heal in order to help you live your soul purpose.


Allow yourself to be guided by Wendy and your intuition to bring yourself the healing and inner guidance you have been looking for.


Chose from natural healing modalities of Reiki, Crystals, Chakra Alignment, Guided Meditation, Sound Bath, Oracle Card Readings, and Tarot Card Readings.

Chakra balancing, crystal reiki, sound healing and reiki healing sessions
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White WitchCrafting

Working in the light, tapping into our innate knowledge and wisdom, we can create something magical.

I know that in creating rituals we permit ourselves to be in the moment doing something just for ourselves and for our benefit.
Sacred rituals do not have to be elaborate or take lots of time.  They are merely a practice that allows us to acknowledge that we are worthy of spending time on ourselves for ourselves.
The purpose of creating these rituals is to fill our cup so that it is overflowing.  It is from the overflow that we can serve those around us after we have used what is in our cup to serve ourselves.  When we can enjoy time to ourselves our sense of self-worth and self-esteem increases beyond measure.  We uncover our authentic selves and can live in the present moment in loving kindness to ourselves and those around us.

We offer a range of intention setting kits so you can create your own ritual, or done for you spell bottles that come with a guide on programming and attuning the bottles with your energy and intention.

Energy Healer Wendy

Hello!  I'm Wendy

Thank you so much for scrolling this far down my home page!! 


I am truly grateful that you are here.​ 


A little about me! 


I was born in England and moved to Australia in 2006 with my husband.  We now have 2 beautiful children and love living here in Australia. 


​My path to getting to where I am now has been filled with the trials and tribulations of life.  Trauma, grief, loss, parenting, career change and so much more. 


Along the way I have developed a sense of self, an inner knowing and awareness that has taken me far from my original career as an accountant!​


Finding my home, spiritually, with Reiki, Crystals, Tarot and Oracle Cards has bought a huge sense of inner peace and alignment into my life.  I want to spend my days performing healings and card readings to help others find inner peace, alignment and fulfilment.

Crystals for Healing

Ignite Your Spiritual Curiosity!

Intuitive, Holistic Healing, Mindfulness, Intention Setting & More!

Happy, Fulfilled Clients

Thank you for the accurate and insightful reading.  It clarified a lot of things for me and confirmed I am on the right track and also gave advice on some of my struggles.  Thank you!

Julz - VIC - Emailed 3 Card Reading

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